蘇信鳳 SU, HSIN- FENG 助理教授
(一) 期刊發表著作 (2014~)
1. 秦毛漁、蘇信鳳、宋惠娟* (2024.4.25 接受刊登).結合失智症虛擬實境體驗及社區衛教實作創新教學對護理學生學習.教學實踐研究.
2. 蘇信鳳、黃淑儀、宋惠娟*(2023).照光療法於失智照護之應用.護理雜誌,70(6),18-24。https://doi-org.autorpa.tcu.edu.tw/10.6224/JN.202312_70(6).04 3. Sung HC*, Su HF, Lee, WL, Wang HM, & Yamakawa M (2022). Effects of a dementia virtual reality‐based training with peer support for home care workers: a cluster randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37(9), 1‐10. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.5799.【SSCI, IF:3.85】
5.Sung HC*, Su HF, Wang HM, Koo M, Lo RY (2021). Psychometric properties of the dementia knowledge assessment scale-traditional Chinese among home care workers in Taiwan. BMC Psychiatry, 21, 515. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-021-03530-6 【SSCI, IF:3.63】
6.Su HF, Koo M, Lee WL, Sung HC*, Lee RP, & Liu WI. (2021). A dementia care training using mobile e-learning with mentoring support for home care workers: a controlled study. BMC Geriatrics, 21, 126. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877 021 02075 3【SSCI, IF:3.077】
8.蘇信鳳、王秀美、林孟薇、宋惠娟* (2018).居家照顧服務員對失智症照顧知識、態度與自覺照顧能力之探討.榮總護理,35(2), 141-150。https://doi.org/10.6142/VGHN.201806_35(2).0005
9.Huang SY, Sung HC*, Su HF (2016). The effectiveness of bright light therapy on depressive symptoms in older adults with non-seasonal depression: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports, 14(7), 37-44. https://doi.org/10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-002990
(二) 研討會發表
4.黎光承、蘇信鳳(2023).鼻胃管餵食比人工餵食是否容易增加晚期失智症者之肺炎發生率,2023 健康照護國際研討會暨論文海報展.花蓮,台灣。(poster)
5.Hsin-Feng Su*, Huei-Chuan Sung, Hsiu-Mei Wang, Wen-Li Lee (2022). Dementia mobile learning using e-books and social networking platform for home care staff. ISG2022, 13th World Conference of Gerontechnology. Daegu, Korea. (Poster)
6.Hsin-Feng Su*, Huei-Chuan Sung, Hsiu-Mei Wang (July 2 ,2022). Exploring knowledge, attitude and perceived competence of dementia care among home care workers in eastern Taiwan. International Symposium On Healthcare. Hualien, Taiwan. (Poster)
7.Hsin-Feng Su*, Hsiu-Mei Wang, Huei-Chuan Sung (July 2 ,2022). The traditional Chinese version of the Sense Competence in Dementia Care Staff scale: Psychometric testing among home care workers in Taiwan. International Symposium On Healthcare. Hualien, Taiwan. (Poster)
8.Huei-Chuan Sung*, Hsin-Feng Su, Wen-Li Lee (July 2 ,2022).A survey of knowledge and skills, caregiving burden, and learning needs of dementia care among family caregivers of patients with dementia. Hualien, Taiwan. (Poster)
9.Huei-Chuan Sung*, Hsin-Feng Su, Wen-Li Lee (July 2 ,2022).The effects of dementia virtual reality teaching program with community dementia health education practice for college nursing students. Hualien, Taiwan. (Poster)
10.Hsin-Feng Su* (July 19-22, 2019). The effectiveness of a dementia training using mobile learning with mentor support for home care workers: a randomized controlled trial. International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science (ICMS2019). Osaka, Japan. (Oral Presentation)
11. Hsin-Feng Su*, Huei-Chuan Sung, Meng-Wei Lin, Wen-Li Lee, Ru-Ping Lee, Wen-I Liu, Haw-Ming Lee (May 2-4 ,2018). An evidence-based online training with peer support program in dementia care for home care staff.10th Biennial Joanna Briggs Institute Colloquium, Antwerp, Belgium. (poster) 2
12. Hsin-Feng Su*, Huei-Chuan Sung, Hsiu-Mei Wang, Meng-Wei Lin, Chia-Ying Lin, Wen-Li Lee (May 2-4 ,2018). Knowledge and perceived competence of home care workers about dementia care. 10th Biennial Joanna Briggs Institute Colloquium, Antwerp, Belgium. (poster)
13. Hsin-Feng Su*, Shu-Yi Huang, Huei-Chuan Sung (June 22-24, 2016). Comparison of group light therapy with different intensities for mood and sleep problems in nursing home elders: a randomized controlled trial protocol. Optimizing Healthcare Quality: Teamwork in Education, Research, and Practice. Chaiang Mai, Thailand. (poster)
14. Hsin-Feng Su* , Hsui-Mei Wang, Huei-Chuan Sung (June 22-24, 2016).Differential Sleep Architecture after Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Titration for Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Optimizing Healthcare Quality: Teamwork in Education, Research, and Practice. Chaiang Mai, Thailand. (poster)
15. Hsui-Mei Wang*, Hsin-Feng Su, Huei-Chuan Sung (June 22-24, 2016). The Influencing Factors of Purchasing CPAP for OSAS Patients. Optimizing Healthcare Quality: Teamwork in Education, Research, and Practice. Chaiang Mai, Thailand. (poster)