
林慧珍 LIN,HUEI-CHEN 助理教授


期刊發表著作 (2015~)
1.Chen, T. A., Mao, S. T., Lin, H. C., Liu, W. T., Tam, K. W., Tsai, C. Y., & Kuan, Y. C. (2022). Effects of inspiratory muscle training on blood pressure-and sleep-related outcomes in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sleep and Breathing, 1-14.
2.Lin, H. C., Chiang, L. L., Ong, J. H., Tsai, K. L., Hung, C. H., & Lin, C. Y. (2020). The effects of threshold inspiratory muscle training in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a randomized experimental study. Sleep and Breathing, 24(1), 201-209. / Accepted: 21 May 2019. Impact Factor:2.03
3.Lin, H. C., Su, C. L., Ong, J. H., Chen, Y. W., Lin, C. Y., Chiang, L. L., & Hung, C. H. (2020). Pulse Oximetry Monitor Feasible for Early Screening of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 40(1), 62-70. / Accepted: 10 June 2019. Impact Factor: 1.211
4.林慧珍,王俊慧,林政佑,洪菁霞.(2018).阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症候群嚴重程度與身體力活動量、低限運動能力、憂鬱狀況與生活質量之關係.樹人學報, (15),63-85.
5.Chan, S. H., Hung, C. H., Shih, J. Y., Chu, P. M., Cheng, Y. H., Lin, H. C., ... & Tsai, K. L. (2018). Exercise intervention attenuates hyperhomocysteinemia- induced aortic endothelial oxidative injury by regulating SIRT1 through mitigating NADPH oxidase/LOX-1 signaling. Redox biology, 14, 116-125.
6.Tsai, K. L., Kao, C. L., Hung, C. H., Cheng, Y. H., Lin, H. C., & Chu, P. M. (2017). Chicoric acid is a potent anti-atherosclerotic ingredient by anti-oxidant action and anti-inflammation capacity. Oncotarget, 8(18), 29600.
7.Chan, S. H., Hung, C. H., Shih, J. Y., Chu, P. M., Cheng, Y. H., Lin, H. C., & Tsai, K. L. (2017). SIRT1 inhibition causes oxidative stress and inflammation in patients with coronary artery disease. Redox biology, 13, 301-309.
8.Chan, S. H., Hung, C. H., Shih, J. Y., Chu, P. M., Cheng, Y. H., Tsai, Y. J., Lin, H. C., ... & Tsai, K. L. (2016). Baicalein is an available anti-atherosclerotic compound through modulation of nitric
oxide-related mechanism under oxLDL exposure. Oncotarget, 7(28), 42881.
9.Hung, C. H., Chan, S. H., Chu, P. M., Lin, H. C., & Tsai, K. L. (2016). Metformin regulates oxLDL-facilitated endothelial dysfunction by modulation of SIRT1 through repressing LOX-1-modulated oxidative signaling. Oncotarget, 7(10), 10773.
2.Jun-Hui Ong, Huei-Chen Lin , Cheng-Yu Lin , Ching-Hsia Hung.* The Effect of Threshold Inspiratory Muscle Training and Tongue Muscle Training on Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. 18th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation (ISPRM), Sydney, Australia,1-6 June, Poster, 2024.
3.林秀青、楊雅萍、林慧珍、趙慧珍、黃美智.2022年社團法人台灣職能治療學會年會.失能者智慧行動輔具之需求調查問卷設計,海報. 2022.12.20. 
4.林慧珍、江玲玲. 2022年臺灣老人學學會研討會臺灣老人學學會論文研討會,機構住民睡眠障礙對生活品質、情緒、認知及生理功能影響初探,口報,2022.5.20.
5.Ya-Ping Yang, Kai-Li Chen, Huei-Chen Lin, Hui-Chen Chao. The Initial Development of Competence Scale in Advance Care Planning for Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities. 2022 Cross Disciplinary Innovation in Long-Term Care, Tainan, Taiwan, Poster, 2022.1.22.
6.林慧珍.嘉義長庚醫院擔任動靜皆宜lung您心曠神怡研討會:講師,2019. 03.16.
7.Lin, H.C*. 睡眠呼吸障礙全方位醫療研討會. 107年度台灣睡眠醫學學會, Invited Speaker, 2018.
8.Ong J.H., Lin H.C., Hung C.H.* The Effects of Threshold Inspiratory muscle Trainer (TIMT) Intervention in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome on Quality of Life, Depression and Sleepiness Score. The 30th Anniversary Meeting of The Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 11-15, Poster, 2016.
9.Lin H.C., Ong J.H., Hung C.H.* Relationship of Tongue Strength, Grip Muscle Strength, Peak Expiratory Flow and 6-min Walking Distance in Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Subjects. The 30th Anniversary Meeting of The Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 11-15, Poster, 2016
10.Ong J.H., Lin H.C., Lin C.Y., Hung C.H.* Evaluation of Quality of Life (QoL) and mood state in patients with moderate to severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)- preliminary results. The 23rd International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, Oslo, Norway, Poster, 2015.
11.Lin H.C., Ong J.H., Hung C.H.* Submaximal Exercise and Flow-volume Loops in Subjects with Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. 6th World Congress on Sleep Medicine (WASM), Seoul, Korea, Poster, 2015.
12.Lin H.C., Lin S.Y., Ong J.H., Hung C.H.* Effects of Stationary Cycling and Elliptical Training with Same Resistance Load on Physiological Responses and Oxygen Consumption in a Group of Men with 3 Different Levels of Body Weight. 18th Conference of East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholar (EAFONS), Taipei, Taiwan, Poster, 2015.
13.Ong J.H., Lin S.Y., Lin H.C., Hung C.H.* Comparison of Physiological Responses and Equivalents on Elliptical Training with 12-Minute Walking Test (12MWT) in Males with Different Categories of Body Weight. 18th Conference of East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholar (EAFONS), Taipei, Taiwan, Poster, 2015.
1.蔡美文, 劉美惠, 陳鉞奇, 林燕鈴, 饒月娟, 林慧珍, 翁滋嬪, 鄭玲宜(譯)(2020)。肺部復健計畫臨床指引。臺北市:禾楓。(American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.,2020)
2.陸哲駒、林士峰、李映琪、黃睦升、吳育儒、彭志維、陳慶駿、莊育芬、趙遠宏、林慧珍、李瑋君、陳思樺、劉明豊、李美誼、陳淑媚、吳瑞屏、梁佳錞、劉金枝、陳治中、楊雅如、陳怡靜、賴郁芬、謝悅齡、王興國/總校閱:曹昭懿總校閱(2017) 。物理因子治療學。台中市:華格納。

